Natural Infertility Treatments in San Diego

Primary infertility is when a couple has never achieved pregnancy, while secondary infertility is when a couple has achieved pregnancy, even miscarriages, but is currently unable to achieve pregnancy.
We hear more and more about couples unfortunately not being able to conceive and having to turn to invasive and expensive methods like IVF, which aren’t always successful.
While there are some cases of true infertility or the necessity for IVF, in many cases fertility levels can be improved naturally as well as the success rate of IVF if that route is necessary.
Let’s break down why infertility is on the rise, what is conventionally done, and how our naturopathic approach can help.

What Is Infertility?
Infertility is defined by the WHO as the failure to achieve a pregnancy after 12 or more months of regular unprotected sex. Primary infertility is when a couple has never achieved pregnancy, while secondary infertility is when a couple has achieved pregnancy, even miscarriages, but is currently unable to achieve pregnancy.
Causes Of Infertility
Infertility can be complex and oftentimes there is more than one contributing factor.
Of the contributing factors, there can be genetic abnormalities, environmental and lifestyle influences like toxin exposure like toxin exposure and nutrient deficiencies, as well as hormone imbalances.
Naturopathic Approach To Treating Infertility
A Holistic Examination On All Areas Of One's Life
When it comes to treating infertility with a naturopathic medical approach, it is important to look at the individual holistically and examine all areas of their life.
From nutrition to sleep, toxin exposure, stress levels, past medical conditions etc. All these factors can impact an individual’s reproductive health.
Below are some of the factors we focus on as naturopathic doctors when it comes to treating fertility.

Common factors contributing to infertility can include:
- Tubal disorders i.e. blocked fallopian tubes
- Uterine disorders i.e. endometriosis, fibroids
Ovarian disorders i.e. PCO - Pituitary disorders i.e. pituitary adenoma, pituitary cancer
- Ejaculatory duct or seminal vesicle blockage
- Testicular disorder i.e. testicular cancer, or trauma
- Hormone imbalance
- Exposure to toxins and endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Chronic stress
- Varicocele (enlarged veins in the scrotum)
- Chemotherapy
- Anabolic steroid use
- Smoking
- Excessive exercise
- Hypothyroidism
- Excessive alcohol intake
- Obesity or underweight
- Infections i.e. chlamydia, gonorrhea, mumps, HIV
- Frequent exposure to high temperatures i.e. sauna (this can temporarily contribute to male infertility)
- Certain medications
- Substance abuse
- Autoimmune conditions
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Genetic Conditions
- Improper timing
- Unknown reasons
Get Your Infirtility Treated With A Naturopathic Medical Approach
Book a discovery call with one of our experienced naturopathic doctors to learn how we can help.
Book your appointment in San Diego today!

Testing For Fertility
A variety of tests can be done to help determine the root cause of infertility. These tests can range from imaging procedures to look for anatomical/structural abnormalities, blood tests to check hormone levels, as well as semen analysis and ovarian reserve testing to determine an individual’s reproductive capacity.
Testing for infertility can include:
- Semen analysis
- Hormone testing i.e. testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, LH, FSH
- Genetic testing
- Certain imaging i.e. cystic fibrosis
- Ovulation testing
- Hysterosalpingography
- Ovarian reserve testing
- AMH (anti-mullerian hormone)
- Prolactin
Naturopathic Approach To Treating Infertility
When it comes to treating infertility with a naturopathic medical approach, it is important to look at the individual holistically and examine all areas of their life.
From nutrition to sleep, toxin exposure, stress levels, past medical conditions etc.
All these factors can impact an individual’s reproductive health.
Below are some of the factors we focus on as naturopathic doctors when it comes to treating fertility.

Toxin exposure
Endocrine disrupting chemicals (including BPA from plastics, phthalates from beauty and personal care products, and pesticides from conventional food) can cause impaired fertility and decreased sperm counts.
Organic diet
Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables that are organic can improve overall health and support fertility. According to a study, those eating an organic diet had 43% higher sperm concentration than conventional diet consumers.
If eating 100% organic is too costly, the EWG has a list of foods called the clean 15 and dirty dozen. The dirty dozen typically have more pesticide residue, so consider buying these organic. The clean 15 have less pesticides and are safer to consume non-organic.
Dirty Dozen:
Clean 15:
Stress Reduction
Chronic stress and increases in the stress hormone cortisol can wreak havoc on the body, especially the hormonal and reproductive systems. According to a study, a group using mind/body intervention increased IVF pregnancy rates from 43% to 52% in women <40. Another study indicated that “Letting go” counseling was associated with improved pregnancy rates with IVF by 1.9x.
Additionally, chronic stress impacts the adrenal glands which produce cortisol in our body. With enough stress and for long enough, there can be negative far-reaching effects. The importance of stress reduction cannot be overstated, to help combat the negative impact stress it has on the body – learn more about supporting your adrenal glands using a naturopathic approach.
Optimal Weight
Being overweight is generally a pro-inflammatory process. Excess inflammation in the body is known to disrupt hormonal balance (testosterone, estrogen, progesterone) and signaling (LH and FSH) and can result in diminished fertility. Eliminating processed foods and simple sugars, while focusing on eating organic whole foods and adhering to a regular exercise routine can help optimize weight.

Omega 3 Fish Oil
Supplementation with Omega 3 fish oil or consuming wild caught cold water fish can play a significant effect on reducing inflammation in the body thereby improving fertility. Limiting the amount of pro-inflammatory omega 6 oils can also be beneficial. In fact, according to one study, fertile men have higher blood and sperm levels of omega-3 as well as lower omega 6:3 ratios compared with infertile patients.
Mitochondrial Support
Nutrients that provide mitochondrial support can be helpful in supporting fertility. One study showed that supplementing with L-carnitine led to improved sperm motility, morphology, and pregnancy rates significantly improved compared to placebo. CoQ10, another mitochondrial support supplement, showed similar benefits to sperm yielding a significant improvement in sperm motility and concentration vs. placebo.

Conventional Approach For Infertility
The conventional approach for treating infertility begins with the least invasive form of ovulation induction, usually clomiphene citrate combined with IUI. If pregnancy is not achieved, treatment can progress to IVF.
- Clomiphene citrate
- Gonadotropins
- IUI (intrauterine insemination)
- IVF (in vitro fertilization)
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Donor oocytes
- Donor embryos
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