Low Energy

Many people suffer from low energy levels, whether it’s dips in energy during the day, or low energy throughout the entire day. Fatigue can be debilitating and for many, difficult to fully understand or resolve.
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Coffee or other “pick me ups” can sometimes help, but these are rarely the long term solution. Let’s take a look at some of the root causes of low energy, and outline the naturopathic medicine approach to improving energy levels.

Symptoms Of Low Energy

There are many signs that can suggest energy levels are not optimal.

We tend to think of the obvious ones like not being able to wake up in the morning or dozing off during the day.

But low energy levels can contribute to anxiety, poor memory, lack of focus, craving for sweet foods, and so much more.

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Low Energy Symptoms Include:

  • Difficulty waking up in the morning despite adequate sleep
  • Needing caffeine in the morning to get going
  • Energy dips during the day
  • A tired but wired feeling
  • Cravings for sugary foods
  • Feeling anxious, jittery, or lightheaded if a meal is skipped
  • Needing an afternoon “pick me up”
  • Oversleeping on the weekends
  • Feeling too tired to exercise
  • Lack of concentration or brain fog
  • Depression or anxiety

Naturopathic Approach For Low Energy:

Find Out What's Causing Or Exacerbating Fatigue

Since there are so many different root causes for fatigue as you can see above, the approach is highly dependent on the individual and what is causing or exacerbating the fatigue.

Some causes can be discovered during an initial intake with one of our doctors, however more comprehensive testing is usually necessary and allows for a more precise treatment plan.

Below are several factors to consider when it comes to the different body systems involved in energy production in the body that need to be assessed when treating low energy in an individual.

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Our doctors are highly trained at helping people with low energy conditions and we assure you that you can feel better.

Dealing With Low Energy? Let’s Asses Your Physical And Mental Activity

Book a discovery call with one of our experienced naturopathic doctors to learn how we can help.
Book your appointment in San Diego today!

Causes Of Low Energy:

Low energy can be caused by a variety of factors ranging from medical conditions, including thyroid disease and anemia, to nutrition and lifestyle factors including nutrient deficiencies, disrupted sleep, and toxin exposure. It is important to work with your doctor to peel the layers of the onion back to get to the underlying cause of your low energy.

Causes of low energy include:

  • Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s
  • Adrenal dysfunction
  • Anemia
  • Hormone Imbalance
  • Poor sleep
  • Disrupted circadian rhythm
  • Mold toxicity
  • Blood sugar imbalance
  • Dehydration
  • Low vitamin D
  • Excess inflammation
  • Food intolerances
  • Imbalanced gut microbiome (dysbiosis)
  • Malabsorption/nutrient deficiencies
  • Poor diet
  • Chronic stress
  • Overuse of electronics and social media
  • EBV or other hidden infections
  • Sleep deprivation or insomnia
  • Toxin exposure
  • Mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Sleep apnea
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Testing For Low Energy:

Testing is highly individualized and can be very helpful in determining the root cause of an individual’s low energy. Testing allows for major medical conditions to be ruled in or ruled out as potential contributors to low energy and allows your doctor to make a personalized treatment plan for you!

As naturopathic doctors we like to use data to guide our clinician decision making so testing can be very helpful.

Tests to investigate root cause of low energy can include:

  • Thyroid panel (TSH, Free T3, Free T4, reverse T3, thyroid antibodies)
  • Complete blood count with differential (hemoglobin & hematocrit)
  • Iron studies (iron, ferritin)
    Hormone panel (estradiol, testosterone, cortisol)
  • Salivary cortisol testing to check adrenal function
  • Vitamin D
  • Glucose, HbA1c, leptin, insulin
  • Food sensitivity testing
  • Micronutrient testing
  • Mycotoxin testing
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  1. Getting between 7-8 hours of sleep is essential for recovery and optimizing energy levels. Most are not getting this recommended amount of sleep. Poor sleep leads to a disrupted circadian rhythm the following day, which can leave many feeling tired.
  2. To optimize sleep, make sure your room is dark and eliminate electronic use several hours before bedtime. Light exposure, especially blue light from electronic devices suppresses melatonin and can keep us awake longer and reduce the quality of sleep that we do get. Consuming food too close to bedtime can also impair our sleep quality and leave us feeling more fatigued the next day.

Stress Reduction

  1. Chronic stress runs rampant in our society and takes a toll on our bodies and on our energy levels. Stress causes an increase in cortisol, which is helpful in emergency situations, but when chronically elevated can lead to a weakened immune system, decreased nutrient absorption, leaky gut, hormone imbalance, and fatigue.
  2. Getting stress under control is essential for optimal energy levels, and if left unchecked, can cause the other interventions to be much less effective. An adrenal health test is important to have done in order to determine whether you have too much or too little of the hormone.
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Gut Health

  1. Gut health plays a large role on many systems of the body including hormone balance, and nutrient absorption which are directly related to energy levels. If our gut isn’t functioning properly, this can lead to an entire host of problems with fatigue being just one.
  2. There are many steps that can be taken to optimize gut function, most of which are personalized by your naturopathic doctor on an individual basis depending on what is contributing to the gut dysfunction and overall gut health.

Blood Sugar

  1. Blood sugar imbalances can contribute to dips in energy throughout the day. Eating processed foods causes blood sugar spikes, which are followed by blood sugar dips that can contribute to low energy. Dips in blood sugar cause the body to produce cortisol, which is a stress hormone, which can leave us feeling wired and tired.
  2. Simple steps to balance blood sugar include avoiding going extended periods of time without eating, avoiding processed foods, and eating a protein containing food at each meal.

NAD+ IV Infusions For Low Energy

NAD+ is a key nutrient that is essential for our mitochondria, the powerhouses of our cells, to function and produce energy or ATP.

Given intravenously it is utilized very efficiently by the body and can safely replete NAD+ levels in the body. With chronic stress, oxidative damage, or simply with aging our NAD+ levels decline.

This decline in NAD+ results in less overall energy and resilience. This therapy can be a great way to quickly boost energy levels while providing your body with countless other benefits.

Learn more about NAD+ therapy and how it can benefit you with low energy levels.

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