Optimal Health

Are you interested in feeling your best, aging gracefully, and preventing disease as much as possible? You may not have any current outstanding health concerns or issues but you simply want to optimize your health and feel even better.
san diego naturopathic doctors group of people stretching legs in sunny park
Maybe you have a family history of health conditions like heart disease or Alzheimer’s and you want to minimize your risk of getting them. Anti-aging, biohacking, and health optimization are becoming more and more popular terms these days and rightly so. We strongly believe that prevention is the best medicine and a proactive approach is much easier than having to recover from illness.

Who Is A Candidate?

san diego naturopathic doctors man tired in park hunched over
  • You may not have any major health issues, but just want to feel better
  • You have a family history of diabetes, heart disease, or Alzheimer’s and you want to decrease your risk of getting those conditions yourself
  • Your energy levels just aren’t what they used to be
    Your motivation is lacking
  • You need accountability to keep you on track with your health goals
  • You understand the importance of routine blood work to keep your body in optimal condition
  • You want to age slowly and gracefully
  • You want to have optimal hormone levels as you age
  • You have recurrent minor injuries that take longer to heal than they used to
  • You need more recovery time in between workouts than you used to
san diego naturopathic doctors woman fitness training at living room home gym

Naturopathic Approach To Optimal Health

We Use Data And Evidence To Guide Our Decision Making

We like to use the analogy of thinking of our patients as trees. If a tree has bad fruit on a tree, while the western medical system may go in and chop the branch off, with naturopathic medicine we like to ask why is the fruit bad? What is going on in the soil? Is the tree getting enough nutrients from the soil? Water? Are there toxins in the soil that are harming the tree?

san diego naturopathic doctors woman resting timing her training session

We take a similar approach with our patients and we look for the root causes of optimal health – things like nutrient and vitamin status, toxin status, inflammation, the health of the gastrointestinal system and hormone health to name a few.

We usually don’t jump right to prescribing medication, as this is simply putting a bandaid on the problem instead of addressing the problem from a root cause level.

Health is multifaceted and requires a holistic approach for optimal results.

Additionally, we like to use data and evidence to guide our decision making.

san diego naturopathic doctors three women stretching yoga poses front

Using blood work and advanced functional medicine tests like advanced cholesterol testing, comprehensive stool analysis, food sensitivity, organic acid and full hormone analysis allows our naturopathic doctors to get a comprehensive evaluation of the patient and let the data guide the treatment course, taking the guesswork out of the game.

Let’s Work Together For The Optimal You – Contact Us Today!

Book a FREE consultation with one of our experienced naturopathic doctors to learn how we can help.
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Lab Work - Functional VS Standard Ranges:

One powerful tool for optimizing your health is routine blood work. You may have gotten your blood work done in the past, however most doctors are analyzing this through the lens of pathology, not optimization.

Furthermore, lab companies make the reference ranges for “normal” blood work values based on the general population. Unfortunately, since there are many unhealthy people in the general population, these reference ranges are usually much too wide and not based on what would be optimal or ideal.

san diego naturopathic doctors man performing crunches at home gym

We recommend getting regular blood work, as this can guide your health goals and track progress. However, a more comprehensive panel is usually necessary than what you may have had in the past, as well as viewing the results under the lens of “optimal” vs “normal”.

san diego naturopathic doctors mature woman with hat laying on beach sunset

Graceful Aging

Aging doesn’t have to be a painful and disease ridden process.

Maintaining optimal functionality and cognition into your 80’s, 90’s and beyond should be attainable for most people. However, optimal health does come with a price.

Healthy habits like regular exercise, quality sleep, stress reduction, connection, and quality food are necessary in order to give yourself the best chance of optimal health. It’s easy to get off track and ill health is usually not an overnight event, rather it’s a slow “death by a thousand cuts” type of process. Regular accountability and blood work analysis make sure you’re not getting off track and that you’re living the most healthful life possible.

Nutrient IV Therapy For Optimal Health

Since many people have impaired gut function and absorption, and are not fully absorbing the nutrients from the foods and oral supplements they are taking, regular IV therapy is a great way to maintain optimal vitamin and mineral status.

The absorption of IV therapy is 100% and much higher doses of nutrients can be used compared to oral, giving you the nutrients that your body needs.

Some ingredients if taken at high enough doses like oral vitamin C or magnesium can cause gastrointestinal upset and diarrhea.

san diego naturopathic doctors smiling man sitting receving iv therapy
Since IV therapy bypasses the gastrointestinal system entirely, these side effects are avoided and much higher amounts of nutrients can be administered. For more about IV Therapy

NAD+ IV Therapy For Optimal Health

NAD+ is a powerful nutrient when it comes to cellular aging and overall health. NAD+ is a major component of energy production (aka ATP) from our mitochondria, the powerhouses of our cells. As we age, our NAD+ levels decline which can lead to many issues such as decreased energy levels, slower recovery, and impaired cognition to name a few. Living a healthy lifestyle including regular exercise and a whole foods organic diet can help stave off NAD+ decline, however NAD+ IV therapy can be tremendously helpful to give you a boost in vitality and well-being. For more about NAD+ IV Therapy

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