PRP Facial Rejuvenation in San Diego

Facials are one of the most popular cosmetic treatments available today. Because of various celebrities, one type of this procedure has become increasingly popular – that is the PRP facial. You may have heard of it or may know it by its other name – the Vampire Facial.

san diego naturopathic doctors woman smiling receiving facial therapy with microneedle device

If you’re interested in skin health, anti-aging, and looking and feeling your best, you’ll definitely want to learn more about this natural and effective treatment –  in regards as to what a PRP facial is, what it does, what it’s good for, and other frequently asked questions.

What Is A PRP Facial?

A PRP facial is a skin rejuvenating treatment that many people use as a more natural alternative to a surgical facelift.

PRP (also known as platelet rich plasma) is a blood product derived from your own blood that has a higher concentration of platelets compared to regular blood.

The platelets have therapeutic benefits because once applied to the skin. Platelet rich plasma is a natural treatment since it is extracted from your own blood.

The process is simple and involves your blood being drawn, then spun for several minutes in a centrifuge in order to separate the different components (platelets, plasma, and red and white blood cells).

san diego naturopathic doctors prp vial prepared for use on woman patient
san diego naturopathic doctors microneedle pen operating on mans cheek skin

While your blood is spinning, a topical cream is used in order to numb the treatment area.

The platelet rich plasma which has healing and rejuvenating properties is extracted from the blood and is reintroduced into the skin on the face with incredibly small needles (known as micro-needling).

These micro-needles allow for the PRP to penetrate into the skin to allow for maximum benefit.  This may sound painful, but we assure you it is not.  

The Rejuvenating Benefits Of A PRP Facial

Essentially, PRP is the introduction of natural healing factors into the skin that allow for rejuvenation – this is combined with microneedling, which stimulates growth and reproduction of collagen in the skin.

This is a powerful combination that leads to glowing and more youthful skin.

san diego naturopathic doctors isolated woman smiling on light blue background

3 Reasons A PRP Facial Is Great For Skin

  • Increased collagen production: a PRP facial causes micro trauma to the skin which stimulates the natural production of collagen. This new, healthier layer of collagen creates tighter and more glowing skin.
  • Increased moisture retention: since PRP facials improve both the strength and thickness of your skin, they also provide protection and moisture retention in the deeper layers of the skin. This can also help with the unclogging of your pores which will yield better results with moisturizing products.
  • Improved skin tone and texture: things like stretch marks, fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, or scars (from injury, acne scars, surgery, or other types of scarring) can be improved by PRP facials. Depending on the severity of the condition, you may need several treatments to see improvement.
san diego naturopathic doctors gray microneedle pen close white background

Notice Fullness And Facial Glow Within A Few Days

How Long Does It Take To See Results?

It takes several weeks for new collagen to form, however most people notice a tightening of the skin along with a fullness and glow to their face in just a few days.

These positive results can last for many months and follow up PRP facials may only need to be done several times per year for maintenance.

PRP can help with:

  • Acne scars
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Sun damage
  • Under eye circles
  • Textured skin
san diego naturopathic doctors prp vial inserted into centrifuge

When first starting PRP treatment, we typically recommend a series of 4-6 sessions spaced out every two weeks for best results.

Schedule Your PRP Facial Today

Book a FREE consultation with one of our experienced naturopathic doctors to learn how we can help.
Book your appointment in San Diego today!

san diego naturopathic doctors pair of gloves holding four prp vials in clinic

A Safe And Painless Facial Injection

PRP facials involve small injections into the face, which may sound dangerous or painful.

However, most people only experience a slight discomfort once you’ve had the treatment that only lasts a few minutes.

Although there is always a risk of side effects or infection with any type of injection, our doctors are highly trained and assure you that this risk is extremely minimal.

We are using your own blood, so there is very little chance of suffering either an allergic reaction or infection.

Collagen Induction Therapy Works For:

  • Wrinkles
  • Dull skin
  • Sagging skin
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Enlarged pores
  • Acne
  • Surgical scars
  • Naso-labial lines
  • Smoke liners
  • Sun burns
  • Sun damage
san diego naturopathic doctors collagen induction therapy skin health inforgraphic illustration

What Results Can I Expect?

Following a PRP procedure, patients can expect a small amount of redness or bruising that usually subsides within 2-3 days after which the platelets applied start increasing the growth of collagen which results in more hydrated skin.

Over the next 2-3 months and with consecutive treatments, skin gradually goes through visible texture changes, resulting in smoother skin.

Your face will continue to look better for weeks to months as your face continues to regenerate and form new collagen.

san diego naturopathic doctors isolated man smiling on light gray background

How Do I Prepare For A PRP Treatment?

Men are asked to be cleanly shaven for the procedure and women are asked to avoid wearing any make up. Patients are also encouraged to be well hydrated on the procedure day.

What To Do Post Treatment

After your PRP facial, your face will be flushed from the micro-needling and may last several hours. We recommend not using any topical products and avoiding direct sun exposure to the treated area for several days. Other than this, there is very little “down time” experienced. Patients are encouraged to avoid alcohol the weeks following the procedure to avoid drying out the skin.

Ready to schedule an appointment?